Health & Meds to the People! Hutano Mishonga Kuvanhu!
Impilakahle Imithi Ebantwini!


Q: When can I start making a claim?

A: After 3 months of contributions


Q: Is there a limit to the number of claims per year

A: Yes, you can claim up to 4 times per year. After the fourth claim, VITEQS will pay half the amount.


Q: What do I need when making a claim?

A: You need your policy number, a prescription from your Dr no older than 1 week. The name on the prescription will need to match with people enrolled on your policy.


Q: Do I need to bring the prescription to your office when making a claim?

A: No, you can take a picture and either email or send it to our office.


Q: How long does it take for a claim to be processed?

A: All claims are processed in a timely manner unless the medications are not available in Zimbabwe, in which VITEQS will endeavor to source them as soon as possible.


Q: What happens if I forget to pay my due subscription?

A: VITEQS will send a gently reminder reminding you to avoid your policy lapsing. Also, we recommend direct debit where possible


Q: Which method of payment do you accept?

A: We accept most form of payments, Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, Worldremit, Mukuru and Ecocash


Q: Do your customers look for the medications themselves before making a claim?

A: VITEQS will find the prescribed medications and advise the customer where to pick up.


Q: Can I get cash instead of medications?

A: Yes, you can get cash equivalent to the prescribed drug. The prescription will still need to be sent to VITEQS for proof.


Q: Can I cancel my policy anytime?

A: Yes, you can cancel your policy anytime, however, there won’t be any refund from your contributions.


Q: Do I need to be part of the policy or can I get it for my relatives?

A: No, you don’t have to be part of it, you can choose your loved ones that you want to be covered by your policy.


Q: Who can change and view the policy?

A: The Policy holder is the primary account holder and has full and total authority to make changes to the policy and make claims enquiries about anyone on the policy.